


本文摘要:Xiaomi Inc., the startup that has rocked Chinese smartphone market, is looking to leverage the global footprint of Asias richest man, Li Ka-shing, and his telecommunications empire to further expand in overseas markets.震动了中国智能手机市场的初创企业小米公司(Xiaomi Inc.)于是以想利用亚洲首富李嘉诚的全球影响力以及他的电信帝国更进一步扩展海外市场。

Xiaomi Inc., the startup that has rocked Chinese smartphone market, is looking to leverage the global footprint of Asias richest man, Li Ka-shing, and his telecommunications empire to further expand in overseas markets.震动了中国智能手机市场的初创企业小米公司(Xiaomi Inc.)于是以想利用亚洲首富李嘉诚的全球影响力以及他的电信帝国更进一步扩展海外市场。Xiaomi Global Vice President Hugo Barra, the former Google Inc. official who joined the Chinese company in October, said Xiaomi is looking at further collaboration with Li-controlled Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.s telecom operations beyond Hong Kong, where it will launch the latest flagship smartphone Mi 3 with Lis mobile carrier 3 Hong Kong on Wednesday.小米全球副总裁巴拉(Hugo Barra)说道,小米计划与李嘉诚掌控的和记黄埔有限公司(Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., 0013.HK)旗下的电信业务在香港之外更进一步合作。本周三,小米将在香港与李嘉诚的无线运营商3香港(3 Hong Kong)合作公布近期旗舰智能手机小米3。

巴拉曾兼任谷歌(Google Inc.)安卓业务副总裁,去年10月重新加入小米公司。We would love to partner with Hutch in other markets, for example, Indonesia and Vietnam where Xiaomi plans to roll out products in the coming months, Barra said at a Tuesday event in Hong Kong. Xiaomi has been expanding into Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong as part of its plans to grow outside of mainland China, where its low-cost but advanced smartphones are gaining popularity.巴拉周二在香港的一次活动上说道,小米期望与和记黄埔在其他市场合作,比如印尼和越南市场,小米想未来几个月在这些市场发售自己的产品。小米早已在新加坡、台湾和香港扩展,这是该公司在中国内地以外市场构建快速增长的希望之一。

在中国内地,小米公司价格低廉但性能先进设备的智能手机更加热门。Li is often referred to as Superman in Hong Kong because of his business prowess and track record in spotting trends. His business empire, Hutchison Whampoa, stretches from telecommunications to ports and hotels. Hutchison has operations in 52 countries and employs about 270,000 people worldwide. His global telecommunications unit 3 Group serves about 76 million users in markets including Italy, the U.K., Indonesia, Vietnam and Hong Kong. His 3 Group carries Samsung smartphones globally, as well as iPhones from Apple.在香港,李嘉诚以其商业影响力和对趋势的精确做到而拥有“超人”的美誉。

他的商业帝国和记黄埔涵括了电信、码头和酒店等领域。和记黄埔在52个国家享有业务,在全球有约27万名雇员。李嘉诚的全球电信部门3集团(3 Group)为意大利、英国、印尼、越南和香港等国家和地区的7,600万名用户获取服务。3集团在全球范围内销售三星(Samsung)的智能手机,也销售苹果(Apple)的iPhone。

Li has also made a number of high-profile investments in technology companies in the past, most notably a $60 million stake in Facebook Inc. in 2007 through Horizons Ventures, his personal technology investment arm. The private investment arm has also invested in music streaming service provider Spotify Ltd., Tel Aviv-based social traffic and navigation company Waze and newsreader app Summly.过去,李嘉诚也曾对科技公司展开过几次高调投资,其中最引人瞩目的是2007年通过其个人科技企业投资机构维港投资(Horizons Ventures)对Facebook Inc.投资6,000万美元。这一非上市的投资机构还曾投资流媒体音乐服务供应商Spotify Ltd、坐落于特拉维夫的交通导航系统软件公司Waze以及新闻读者应用软件Summly。

Beijing-based Xiaomi has successfully created a big buzz in China by selling high-end phones for prices close to cost. Its latest flagship e Mi 3 phone costs $330, less than half the price of top models from Apple and Samsung Electronics. The closely-held company is well-known in China for releasing its phones for sale online in limited batches.总部坐落于北京的小米公司早已通过以相似成本价销售高端手机的方式顺利地在中国内地生产了极大的轰动效应。其最新款的旗舰手机小米3售价330美元,将近苹果和三星电子最低末端型号价格的一半。在中国内地,少数人有限公司的小米公司以在线限量销售的公布方式著称。

Barra said Xiaomi has been struggling to make enough phones to meet demand and he has met with major supplier Foxconn Technology Group Chairman Terry Gou in Shenzhen to discuss the plan of increasing production lines to address the shortage issues.巴拉说道,小米仍然不存在供不应求的问题,他早已与主要供应商富士康(Foxconn Technology Group)董事长郭台铭(Terry Gou)在深圳会面,辩论了减少生产线的计划,期望解决问题货源严重不足问题。He said both Foxconn and Taiwan-based Inventec. Corp. are the companys handset contract manufacturers.他说道,富士康和台湾的英业达(Inventec. Corp.)都是小米手机的代工商。Taiwan-based Foxconn, officially known as Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. , is also the major assembler of iPhones and iPads.总部坐落于台湾的富士康官方名称是鸿海仪器工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.),它也是iPhone和iPad的主要装配商。



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